Till Christ Be Formed in Every Heart



Posts tagged Morality
The Son Reveals the Father and the Spirit
Jesus Christ, God the Son, reveals to us the mystery of the inner life of God, showing through his words and deeds that God is not a solitary being, but is a communion of Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Son that has come to humanity to fully reveal the countenance of the Father, showing us the Eternal Father’s face through the incarnation.

In revealing to us the face of the Father, Jesus breaks open eternity for mankind, making a relationship with the Father through the Son in the Holy Spirit a real possibility for each and every one of us. The Trinity is as much the main message of the Good News as is the cross and Resurrection.

This self-giving, life-giving love is the heart of the Blessed Trinity and therefore, it is the heart of our Christian faith and morality.
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The Still-Point of the Turning World

The Still-Point of the Turning World

The Incarnation of the Son of God changes everything, especially the way we speak about morality. Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, is the divine presence in the world. He is the center, the constant, upon which all activity, both divine and human, turn.

Because God became man in Jesus Christ, he has become for humanity both the Source of moral goodness and the exemplar of that goodness. He is life's Source and Definition. There is nothing possible to add when fullness is already present.

What is Christian morality, then? It is the imitation of the virtues of Christ.

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moral short cuts and legislation

Chesterton once accused the Puritans "Not of having too much morality, but too little." It seems to me that the neoPuritans, those secular busybodies that try to legislate their version of good and clean living, are stricken with the same malody.

It is not that they have a robust morality that provides vision, energy, and purpose to human life, but that they have a weak and feable structure, hardly capable of being principled, ordered, or systematic. In order to buttress up their little morality they attempt moral short cuts, the biggest of which is federal legislation.

Lobbying for laws against all things that they deem bad, unfit, or unhealthy, they seek to impose a grand appearance of their morality, but it becomes, like Bilbo Baggins so artfully said, "thin. Sort of stretched, like butter scrapped over too much bread." It is thin, and thus prone to distortions, corruptions, and ripple-effects that were unintended, but necessarily follow.

NeoPuritans try to take moral short cuts. They want the nation to be better, so instead of convincing every man, woman, and child to be better, they simply legislate away those things they believe are making our country worse. They think that national policy and law make people better versions of themselves because it saves them from themselves.

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Christian Morality: Happiness

Is there such a thing as "Christian morality", as in, a morality that is shaped by the Christian faith? If morality is universal, how can any religion or sect or belief claim to have a morality all to themselves, or claim that their morality is morality as such? As Catholics we have a strong belief in what is known as the moral law, or the natural law, or, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church puts it, the "natural moral law", that is written on the hearts of every human person and is echoed in each conscience. Is Christian morality, then, an extra superimposed or added on to the already existing super-structure of natural law morality?

These are questions that have bothered me over the years. I think this is what drove the Enlightenment project of Immanuel Kant. He sought to remove from morality any supernatural basis and ground everything in the individual's practical reason, that is, in the capacity for rational thought about human action.

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