51 - Jamie Lannister is the Michael W Smith of GOT
Originally recorded on July 05, 2016
Overcome with amazement, we talk Game of Thrones. The Season Six final two episodes were a phenomenal ending to a season. Probably the best ending to any season of any TV show ever. (looking at you, Lost.)
We discuss the revelation of fan theories being confirmed (R+L=J), Gomer postulates that the White Walkers will actually win because George R. R. Martin hates us that much, how season six is the rise of the Ladies (Sansa, Cercei, the Sand Snakes, the Unburnt and her dragons, the Queen of the Iron Isles), and how Jamie Lannister will go west, young man, like Michael W Smith.
(Game of Throne Theme song is copyright of HBO. Thanks, fair use!)
Special Thanks to CatholicBalm.co for sponsoring this episode! Please head over to their website and enter the special promo code "TeamMichael" or "TeamLuke" at the checkout for a savings of 10% on your order!
iTunes Ratings Contest! The pot is sweeter as Sarah from Catholic Drinkie and Arleen Spenceley from Chastity is for Lovers are adding their books to the giveaway. Go to iTunes and rate this podcast (hopefully 5 stars!). If posted between July 8 to July 22, 2016, and you're in the continental United States (sorry Alaska and Hawaii, the freak states), you are entered to win a drawing for our Catholic nerd out prize. Thanks to all those who have already submitted their ratings and reviews!
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