Till Christ Be Formed in Every Heart

Catching Foxes

02: My Poofy Hair

Gomer and Luke
My Poofy Hair
0:00 / 0:00

Luke talks about why he didn't have girlfriends in middle school. Gomer challenges him on that, but ultimately agrees. Then we dive into something rather important. In San Francisco the Archbishop tries to get teachers listed as "ministers" and to get them to sign a statement of belief that clearly defines hot button issues (*cough* gay marriage *cough*) and requires one's full assent as a teacher to these views. We discuss the merits of such a signed statement, especially in the context of a lack of evangelism and solid catechesis.

The Official Page of the BackStreet Boys

Archdiocese releases statement on church teachings, practice in high schools

Archbishop’s letter to Catholic high school teachers

Opening Music brought to you by BENSOUND.COM.

Michael GormleySchools