Lay Evangelist

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Summer camp

Life Teen summer camp begins on Monday. My homeboy Mikey Needleman arrives tomorrow to lead the music for the week. It is an exciting time, especially since my old parish, of which I was both a teen participating and the assistant youth minister of, is attending.

Right now I'm at one of the greatest people in the universe's house, the Drisaldi's. They live here in Georgia and are just a bucket of fun. Emma is their three week old daughter alongside their three year old son Joey, who is insanely jealous of said baby.

Prayers are needed for this upcoming week. The theme is Veni Spiritu Sancti with the sub-theme of "Epic Adventure". Each day is an epic topic, following the standard approach: Intro to God, Reconciliation, and the rest of the days as different forms of empowerment and devotional Catechesis. It will be an interesting ride, to be sure. I think 8 parishes will be there, with around 220 high school aged teens in total.

Saint Joseph, pray for us always. Amen.